Alas Git

It happened in Blogsville ...

Tuesday, November 28, 2006


Shalom Shalom, its good to be back!
I have been trying for a while to find some time to blog again but there was so many more important things to do - and there still is, just that it has become practically more efficient to once again blog! What started with a quick short email response last week, quickly snowballed to a full thesis on what I've been up to recently and realized how much more I have to add, I decided it would be easier to revert to just blogging it for all instead!

So what's married life like? How is life treating me? Am I settling down?
Umm, basically life now is incomparable to before. I am so much more settled and very happy and it seems like I hit the jackpot! B"H ALL IS GREAT!

While we have been away, there have been many changes & updates, both online and off. With a plethora of friends to keep up with, there have been many life events too, from births to deaths, engagements to divorce (with a few marriages in between), sharing with each other at each time. In some way, through blogging I/we have altered the world but now it seems with two of us together there is so much more to accomplish. Both online & off, we are trying to set up shidduchim - no matches yet but it will happen soon.


  • At 11:49 AM, Blogger ggggg said…

    Welcome back! Glad to see married life is treating you well so far!

  • At 9:09 PM, Blogger Tamara said…

    Yes, glad you're back ole' friend.

  • At 4:46 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    great to see you back!

  • At 4:01 PM, Blogger Pragmatician said…

    We were wondering if we'd ever see you again on this blog!
    Welcome back


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